We went on a date day today for the first time in probably a year. It was so nice, we went to this fantastic Indian cuisine place Anapurna. Absolute indescribable, amazing, breathtaking, WOW, food.
Go check them out!
Driving to the city takes an hour, we always have a couple of people to see so that takes at least another hour. We did not get to do much else, although the food and friendly service by the owner himself (a wonderful guy), and obviously my handsome date was such a treat that nothing else was required to make the day perfect.
Unfortunately, my disease decided to hit me with a curveball this morning and I was struck with the most mind-numbing fatigue one can imagine. I felt like I was busy going into a coma. I had half an energy drink that helped a bit but on the way back I hit a low.
I miss my sheep on a day like today so when we got home I needed some help to get out of the car and stand on my feet. My oldest cane to the car very concerned. One thing I don't want is for my kids to see me helpless. I quickly pulled myself as together as I could and walked with him to my sheep.
Before we continue and for those thinking I am a horrible mom. Yes, I miss my kids too, I miss them more than I miss my sheep. 😉
Brought in the sheep and started to count them. One is missing. Count again, and again... One is missing.....
My heart sunk in my shoes, a lamb is missing.
My mind immediately went to the scripture in the bible where the Good Shepherd left the 99 behind and went to find that one. It felt like an impossible task. We looked everywhere in the field.. She was nowhere to be found.
I went to feed the rest, by this time I am panicked, my mind is not it's sharpest with this fatigue. I am pushing myself forward to fine my lamb. I counted the ram lambs, I found only 9, they are supposed to be 9.
I went to the field to look again, by the time I got there I noticed I left my phone behind.
Calling and searching, wonder what the Shepherd went through and the happiness and relief he must have felt when that one returned.
I went back, it's getting late, I have not seen my baby yet and the babysitter needs to get home.
Went to fetch my phone when my hubby says, did you count the ram lambs? Yes, 9... Nope.. 10...
I missed one. In my panic, I missed one.
We found her. She is safe.
I can sleep well tonight knowing she wanted to be with her brother.
Her shenanigans got me to thinking. We have a shepherd looking out for us, caring for us, and searching for us when we go missing. It's time we listen for his voice to see if we wondered off or if we are safe at home.
Think about it.