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I'm gonna wipe my own bum mummy....

When your kid decides it's time to wipe his own bum, that, my friend, is a momentous occasion.

Today it was a bit more of a, not now! Situation.

Today is not such a fantastic day. It is a lose your crap all over the place, shout and scream and sound like a t-rex mom.

I can't, I just can not and it's only 16:00!!!!


The day started good, I got up early-ish, went outside and got the animals sorted all before 08:00. I felt good about myself.

We had breakfast, we did school work, we had a good time. It was trying, I think that was where it all started. I did some games with the little ones for number recognition. The oldest started to sulk, he felt left out.

I did one on one work with him, then he wanted to take a break. You can't win.

We had lunch and I took the youngest for his nap. He was groggy and tired and needed a nap.

That's where everything derailed completely.

Like a little angel he took his bottle and went down with a blankie. He emptied his bottle, gave it to me and then the entertainment started.

It was jumping and falling on the bed, kisses and hugs. Anything as long as he doesn't have to sleep. Worked at it for an hour (felt like a lifetime), no use. I ended up being extremely frustrated, a crying baby still not sleeping.

The other two have been fighting and bickering the whole time. There was screaming and shouting all around. I let them all watch tv and went to do my rounds outside. As I left the living room I find a potty with urine in and some next to it on my untreated wooden floor. Little mr decided to bring the potty to where the tv is, make a wee in and next to it and not clean up. This is the same little man that usually rather uses the toilet than the potty. What's this? A shrug of the shoulders as an answer.

Round 2...

Frankie was playing on his own but not very happy. Offering him to put him down for a nap he almost jumped with joy. This time it has to work, I mean he wants to go nap.

Sammy joined us and was perfectly still, lying in my arm. Frankie on the other hand started again with his best acrobatics.

I spoke softly, I threatened, I held him, I let him go, I put him in his crib.... No sleep.

By this time I am even more frustrated, tired, stressed, annoyed. He poured his milk all over me. That took the cake, I was beyond boiling point now.

It's almost 15:00, I need to start with dinner.

Just when you think things can't go worse.

Frying the chicken, Frankie has a dirty nappy. He now realizes he soiled his nappy, he proceeds to take off his pants. He was not wearing pants today so he pulled his nappy. Stove off, nappy change.

Baby in play area, hands washed, back to the food. "Mommy, I am going to wipe my own bottom" my 3-year-old announces. It should be a happy moment. Instead, it's high stress, I don't want to discourage him, but now is not the time. Frankie is screaming for my attention, my food is burning. WHY NOW!

Check that he wiped properly, have a teeny tiny celebratory dance, washed hands again. Back to the food.

Now Sammy is in the kitchen, hanging on me, opening and slamming cupboard doors, throwing stuff in the air. "Mommy mommy, look, look, look, mommy, mommy MOMMY!!! You have to watch this."

My food.... I need to get the stuff into the crockpot, PLEASE!!!

While all this is playing out, Frankie shouts help, help in the living room, Timmy has his music top volume in his room, (he is only 7 for crying in a bucket, that's what teenagers are supposed to do).

I have been weelding the wooden spoon as threat, I've been shouting, screaming, pleading, begging... Nothing.

Big brother comes to take care of the little one. Frankie vomits in the living room. Oh my word... Run to clean up. Dinner... I have no idea when we will meet again.

I am broken, I need a holiday from today. Sammy keeps spitting on his brothers, he hits them, kicks them, screams and shouts.

Frankie started to make sentences today.. Another milestone drowned out by all the other chaosity.

It's 16:51, I am done, if I drank I would have had 5 shots tequila. Instead I had 4 blocks

from a slab chocolate, it didn't help.

Only another 4 hours..

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08. Okt. 2020

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