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Today is an I need a chocolate day.

Oh gosh, I need some so bad.

I took my methotrexate last night so today is my duvet-day. It went well while I was in bed. I got up at about 11:00 for breakfast knowing my little man takes a nap around 12is and his bed is in my room.

It is always on the days I feel the worst that the other two are super needy. Hanging on my clothes, climbing on me, putting their hands in my face... IN my face.

We are busy with much needed TLC on the house. We got someone to do the windows and some needs replacing. Some pieces of glass chipped out and landed in the house. My dearest, cutest middle child found these amazing shiny treasures and refused to part with it. He proceeded to hide pieces of scarily sharp glass IN his bed.

Because he loves his treasures and has a brother that at times takes stuff from him, he refuses to share or give away it's location. With the help of his older brother I found one piece. It took a master negotiator to get him to reveal his treasure. My eyes fell on it while it glistened in his tiny hand. The mom shock monster rose up in me as I glanced at this extremely fine, 2cm sized, crystal clear shard of glass. Mind racing, is there more, did a piece break off, did he eat some of it (extremely valid fear with this one), what would happen if his baby brother noticed it, IS THERE MORE!!!

He gave me a piece that I gawked at, and admired it for it's sharpness. Thankfully his older brother spilled the beans, but wait mommy, there is more.

Heart racing, mom protection mode kicking in, OH MY WORD, THERE IS MORE.

In the calmest of calm ways a mom possibly can be when their 3 year old is holding, what my mind projected as a shiv. I negotiated with this ticking time bomb a swop. His shiny treasure for a better, bigger, secret treasure that mommy locked in her cupboard. Mommy had no idea what this treasure might be but she had to think on her feet. There must be something that a 3 year old can swoon over.

A river of tears and blood curdling screams filled the house as he let go of his precious 3 pieces of glass shards. The exchange was in process, now mommy had to magic a treasure out of a secret area of her closet that she yet has to discover.

His glassy treasures was safely locked in a dungeon of stinky diapers and rubbish. He did receive better shiny treasures, 2 clear plastic beads and a small metal plate that once was a tag on a garment. He was pleased and smiles and laughter filled the house once again. That was until his brother asked to hold his new treasure 3 minutes later.

Mom emerged from the dark cloud left by the screaming a hero, a victor, a magician. What adventure shall tomorrow hold? Will she have to wait until tomorrow or only 5 minutes later to conjure up some magic?

Hence, the chocolate that is needed. A mommy needs fuel to create all this magic. Alas the brave night who went to the shop suffered amnesia and returned with no chocolate. He did however come baring a greater gift, a treasure one could say. A photo trimmer for moms crafts and homeschooling. The brave night was awarded with a kind smile, a nod and a fist bump.

You did well brave night. Tomorrow it shall be onward to chocolate glory.

1 Comment

Oct 01, 2020

Oh dear Mommy, I am also in great need of chocolate, and wine, and cheese!!! I take my hat off to you, I don't know how you do this, honestly, you are super woman in my opinion.

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