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Little bitty toesie

If you think life is hard, try being a one and a half year old (technically 1year and 8 months but who's counting).

This teeny-tiny creature is on the explore and goes about it as if he is missing something every time he blinks. Always in a hurry, always running, he reminds me of the white rabbit in Alice in wonderland.

In the cooler evening we went to feed the animals. Ok my husband fed and I instructed. We have an ewe that seems to be getting mastitis so he was busy with her and I went to get the meds. On the way I hear a little man crying thinking aw it's because I am going inside without him.

Get back he is still complaining but walking around fine yet containing to his brother and I make out, "toontjie". Having to help with the ewe and not spotting anything seriously wrong I left him to play with his brothers. When the oldest told me I need to doctor him and have to look at his little black toe, that's only when I had a look.

At this point I am like, wow, well done to my 7-year old for being so observant and caring. At the same time, I feel like the worst most horrible mom on this planet for not paying attention when my baby mentioned his toe hurt. I honestly thought it was a thorn or something.

So the middle toes nail is off, OFF. Such a teeny tiny thing. Gosh, I feel horrible.

He was in a wheel burrow playing when I left him. His dad right there, ok, there as in, in a pen with a sheep close to him.

He must have tried to get out too quickly when I went to get the meds that the thing fell over and hurt him. Poor little man. Needless to say I have been carrying him around most of the time. He can walk and I guess it's not that bad. My poor little munchkin.

It's difficult to grow up, so much to do, so little time and so many hurdles along the way.


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