This week has spiraled again. One moment you have got everything in some sort of order and the next the week is over and you are still stuck at Tuesday.
Recap, our last lamb was born on Monday. It was a difficult labor and the lamb was in distress. Our awesome vet came to help us out and pulled a blue lamb from the ewe. She revived him and went in to pull another ram lamb who was stillborn.
So this lamb had mountains to cross, one of them being to stand and drink. All lambs go through this, they usually get it right within 30 min. It took him about 2 hours and me to help him up and get his brain to understand what his legs need to do.
Eventually late the night my hubby found him standing and drinking. Happiness
He didn't look well, he looked a bit retarded. It makes sense with the difficult birth, the coming out blue, there was not enough oxygen to his brain. It took a knock or two. As long as it eats and has normal bodily functions it should be fine. We never had it in the books for him to challenge the theory of relativity.
Yesterday evening the lamb didn't look well. He looked less well than normal.
He didn't stand and didn't drink. My awesome husband milked the ewe and tube fed the lamb. This morning miraculously he was still alive.
Again tube fed him but he didn't look well. Labored breathing, weak and still not standing.
We made peace with the fact that he might not make it. A couple of hours later he just stopped breathing.
It is never easy or nice when you lose a lamb, especially one where you had to work hard and did all you can to get the poor guy going.
So little retard is gone. It's never nice or easy.
Ahhhhh, arme liefie, Strongs Vriendin