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Meth... no, not that kind

Today was my duvet-day. I took my methotrexate last night and this time the side effects were worse than before. I have been feeling a flare coming on so I guess that plays a part. (Flare is when the condition gets worse, inflammation spikes, pain and fatigue just takes over. Basically my immune system is in super overdrive).

So my sweet hubby fed my farm animals for me. I am so grateful even though I missed their little furry faces.

Kids just don't understand that mommy is not feeling well. They seem to be like, ok, we bring you flowers and a kiss, feel better now. I have been battling nausea and a headache all day with little ones running into the room every couple of minutes. Mommy, are you better? No love. Ok, but I want a sweet and some tea and a snack. Gosh, gotta just love them.

Days like today gets me down. Having pain and discomfort of the disease and then added issues because of the meds.

Looking on the bright side, its only one day a week. It forces me to rest and take it easy. In the long run it will make a difference.. I think.


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