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Not always easy

Friday morning, sunny and warm. Sent out my group 1 ewes and started to feed the pregnant ewes. I noticed one had a little sac peeping out. The baby is on its way.. WHOOHOOOO!!

I wanted to get the lambing pens ready Tuesday, with a chaotic start to the day, it just did not pan out the way I planned.

In a hurry I started to get the lambing pens ready, complete with shavings, water, feed and everything. It looked so nice and cozy I wanted to go take a nap there.

It is one of my originals, she had an abortion earlier this year, in our stupidity we did not take her away from the ram quick enough and she got pregnant (in my opinion) too soon after her abortion. We did not give her the inoculations needed because I did not plan her to get pregnant. (What did I think was going to happen???)

I was not having a good week because of inflammation flaring up again and very painful joints make everything difficult. All of that was on the back burner because of this exciting ending to a otherwise horrible week.

After an hour there was not much progress. With the help of my awesome hubby the lambing pens was ready, now we need to get her in there and get the baby out. This ewe was in pain and something was not right. She is also not as tame as the rest this made catching her almost impossible. Hubby made a tunnel for her to run into that takes her to her pen. We needed to check whats happening and quick. Got her in the pen, gloves on, lube on and in we go. This being my first rodeo I was not sure of what I felt. Hubby had to go in and see whats happening (he pulled a lamb previously and is my expert in this area). Turns out lamb was breech.

What started out as extreme excitement ended in horrible sadness. The lamb was not developed properly. It looked like it was a couple of weeks prem but according to when we removed her from the ram she was supposed to lamb end of August already. The lamb was dead, I felt extreme sadness for the ewe as I remembered how she called out to her lambs the previous time she aborted. This time she just stood there, did not even want to look at the lamb.

What can one say, that is life on the farm. It's not always sunshine and roses.

Now we wait for the others to lamb. It's my first lambs born here to lamb.

I am excited and counting the days.


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