We are well into spring and whenever someone asks me how my garden is going I feel so bad.
Well it's doing well on its own, overgrown with weeds and stuff. 🤪
Today we took the time to actually plant something. In my wisdome I waited for gnat season to start so we were waving and slapping and spitting these little monsters everywhere.
Having the kids involved is fantastic. In your mind you plan on how special and amazing it will be. A lovely schooling opportunity. Learn about nature, plants, life cycle of the plant. Maybe even see some bees.
Those ideals tend to be short lived. Today was a great day, it lasted a full 10 minutes. The sand was scooped into my boots while busy weeding. Constant shouting in my ear, at full volume of course, MOMMY! MOMMY!MOMMY! LOOK A CRAWLY!!!! If I dare not put my face onto the ground eyes as wide as possibly with the bug begging me to move back because I am hurting its leg.... then I obviously did not look and have to look AGAIN!
As quick as one possibly can, I weeded one patch and planted spinach. In the hurriest of hurries I planted carrots, cucumber, cauliflower and some other stuff I can't even remember what.
While doing all of this I gave my oldest his own planter box where he could just plant whatever. This kept him out of my hair and productive. We shall have pretty flowers there soon.
It was tricky, it was trying (especially when they decide to use the gardening tools as weapons of mass destruction). They will remember it differently. They will remember the day they gardened with mommy and it was so much fun.
That makes it worth it.
Lets see how this garden grows.